Sep 18, 2007

Nice shirt

A couple of weeks ago, I received a t-shirt with one of my favorite bands - HIM. There was an image depicting Ville's (Ville Valo - lead singer of the band) face on the front of the shirt and the same image in black and white on the back. Although I thought it to be kind of macabre, his face being edited to look like it's decomposing, I didn't pay much attention to this fact.
About a week ago, I was supposed to meet a friend at the local Mall. I decided to wear the t-shirt I just told you about.
While walking to the door to leave home, I passed by a mirror and was kind of shocked for a moment to see the corrupted face on my t-shirt looking at me.
On the way there, I noticed a group of kids in front of me on the side of the road turning to look at my shirt. Then, two of the girls let out a small scream of shock I guess, at the sight of Valo's face. The other ones were just smiling at the shirt as I passed them. When I got there, a teenage girl sitting on the steps started looking at the shirt and asked me where I'd got it from, and if I thought she could find one for her. I told her what she wanted to know (by that time I had met with my friend) and entered the Mall.
While we were walking inside the Mall, I noticed two little faces popping out from behind a big column. The kids started staring at my t-shirt and then disappeared behind the column. When we were passing it, we saw the children heading towards their parents and the parents looked at my shirt, looking quite amused.
Anyways, I thought I'd show you the shirt in cause and ask you : Is it really that frightening :))?
Here it is :
