Sep 13, 2007

W.o.t.D. - 12 September

Epiphany (feeling)

Epiphany can have the following meanings :

  1. A Christian feast on January 6, commemorating the revelation of Jesus to humanity, specifically the visit of the Magi.
  2. An appearance or manifestation of a divine being.
  3. The sudden realization or comprehension of the essence or meaning of something. It can signify the moment when one finally manages to put all "the puzzle pieces" together and sees the bigger picture, kind of a moment of deep revelation.
    A famous epiphany was the one Achimedes had when he realized how to estimate the volume of a given mass, a famous moment which caused him to scream "Eureka!" (="I have found it!"). It is said he was taking a bath at that time and such was the realisation, that he started running around the town naked screaming "Eureka!Eureka!" to random people. Hold on! I want all of us to take a moment and imagine the great Archimedes running around naked screaming "Eureka!" at people...what a sight!