Sep 10, 2007

W.o.t.D. - 10 September

Achtung, dudes! :)) Today's Word of the Day is ....yes, you've guessed it....

Achtung (!)

German word, generally meaning "attention!" or "warning!". Here are some definitions found on :

One guys says :

"Achtung is undoutably the coolest word in the German language. It can be used in so many different ways and sounds cool.


Achtung Baby.

ACHTUNG WITH THE BATTON! (before hitting someone)

Achtung s&^t-head.

ACH-FU%$ING-TUNG! (If you are realy pissed-off at someone and you are warning them of a possible near future atack, or if you are about to hurt them.)"

- some censorship used;

And another one :


Deutsche (german) word for "warning" or "alert".


'Achtung, achtung! Der amerikaner blah blah blah......I still have yet to master deutsche. -_- '

Seems like "achtung" is definitely a very day-to-day useful word...