Oct 4, 2007

Yahoo Messenger Fix

Yesterday, a pesky bug surfaced on Yahoo's Messenger. 40 characters in his/her status. Seems thatOne was not allowed to have more that this can be easily fixed by editing a file or by using a small home-made program to edit it for you. I am not to be held responsible for any potential damage to your computer, inflicted by not following the instructions or pressing the Format button from your drive's properties because you are not skilled enough to follow these simple instructions. Here are the two methods explained:

1. Editing the file yourself

- Make sure you have exited Yahoo Messenger;
- Go to C:(or whatever drive you've got Windows installed on)\Program Files\Yahoo!\Messenger\Cache;
- Open system.xml with a word-editor, like Notepad;
- You will see something like:


- Look for "server
max_custom_status 40 /max_custom_status
/server” ;
- Select the 3 lines of text and delete them;
- Open Yahoo Messenger, notice the 40-character limit is gone, and wonder at the endless possibilities of longer-than-40-characters statuses;
- Return to this blog and post something like "It worked!
Woot!" or "I just formated my hard drive! What should I do?", depending on your
IQ and age.

Optional : If you have just destroyed your computer, any part of it or just deleted a lot of important information, go back and re-read the instructions.

2. Helper program

Here's what you do:

- Download the program from http://uploaded.to/?id=ylhma8 ;
- Close Yahoo Messenger;
- Messenger should be installed in the default folder : C:(or whatever first drive you have)\Program Files\Yahoo!\Messenger;
- Run the program and press any key in the end;
- Again, observe the lack of 40-character status limitation and ponder the infinite status possibilities;
- Return to this blog and post something like "I did it and it works!" or "WTF my computr jst xplodid, wtf j00 n00b ave distroyed my compter!!!111!oneone", depending on your
IQ, age and vocabulary capacity.