Nov 15, 2007

I am t3h Wizard!

Here is something guaranteed to keep you busy for at least a couple of minutes, if not completely blow your mind! I bring to you a perfect Mind Reader in the form of a Mystical Ball!
Just enter the page and be amazed! Make sure you come back here and post some opinions. Enjoy

You are free to reuse the link in your blog/site as long as you give credit to both (the creator) and MooNy's BLoG.


Anonymous said...

Extraordinar!!! Cum functioneaza masinaria asta, ca de o ora ghiceste si inca n-a obosit?! care e principiul, magicianule???? dau 100 de euro pe solutie! Frate, e tare! M-ai ponat cu asta!

Star said...

asta cred k e cata de zice "ponat"

Tvvity said...

gg !!! am obs. si adresa ;)

Moony said...

Mwhuahhahah...any ideas on how it works? (you can still answer : "MAGIC!!!1!")

Anonymous said...

Super tare, faza! Doar o problema, mi-am dat seama cum functioneaza;).