Nov 28, 2007

Shi(F)t happens

As you may have noticed, I've changed the template.

These are times of civil unrest (actually, no they're not, but let's pretend it is so) so one must adapt to the changes of the environment, as the true animal he is.

I'd like to know your opinion on the new theme, any advices and criticism is highly cherished and recommended.
Don't know if I'll stick with this one yet, because I am currently trying out more interesting and never-before-seen-by-the-average-Joe-that-only-surfs-the-net -for-one-hour-per-week (wow, that's gotta be the longest one I've come up with by now - give it up for t3h M0ony and his not-so-funny-or-functional-thingy/thingies) features for the blog.

I'll keep you informed! I hope you'll do the same, either by mail, or by comments.


Star said... ce l-ai schimbat?....era mai marfa ala vechi....adik era mai organizat:|

denize said...

how could you:((((( you must immediately "shift" to something green :)))

this template is coooolllldddddd :) brrr

Anonymous said...

Advice: the title looks cooler like this : shi(f)t happens:D

Moony said...

I think you're right...

-> Title changed :D