Dec 6, 2007

PS3 for $299 a reality!

Omg! Here's a piece of information I bet would interest even the most bored viewer of the console-wars (console war, what-ever!) :

Sony has put forward a new offer which states that if you purchase a PS3 with the Sony Credit Card, you get 100$ worth of credit, thus making the 40GB PS3's price go down to 299$.

Go here if you're interested in signing up!

That just about puts to rest all possible arguments implying that the Playstation 3 is too expensive for purchase. If you're into buying a gaming console, you most likely know a little bit of something about games and stuff (and the fact that Nintendo's Wii doesn't output in HD - High Definition, that is - ) so you will probably be interested in the Xbox 360 from Microsoft or the Playstation 3 from Sony.

The fact is, a couple of months ago, everyone was saying that they couldn't buy the PS3 because of it's horrendous price compared to the 360. Now, taking advantage of this offer, every model of the Ps3 is 50$ cheaper than it's Microsoftian sibling, without even taking into consideration the Xbox Live subscription, which is another 50$ for U.S. residents, and 80$ (80 - ZOMG!) for Europe residents or the difference in out-of-the-box features.

The scene is definitely set for an all-out battle this Christmas, and it will be very interesting to follow both Microsoft and the audience's replies.

P.S. I think this change deserves a new head-to-head review of the two gaming systems, don't you? When I have some time, I'll work on it.