Dec 28, 2007

Throw paper!

A very fun and addictive little flash web game that tries to take away boredom:

Try and see how many pieces of paper you can consecutively throw in the bin.

P.S. My current record is 12.
P.S.2. 14.
P.S.3. (get it - PS3? :-) ) 19
P.S.4. 21


Anonymous said...

My current record is 8. I will improve it, that's for sure....

Anonymous said...

I got 21! Yes!!

Moony said...

do you have a printscreen to go with the record?
I've gotten 19 just now...

Anonymous said...

34!!1101! in your face >:D<

Anonymous said...

34 ffs :D

Moony said...

zomg, I am t3h pwnz0rd :|

Anonymous said...

not that

Moony said...

ZOMG - 43??? wTF? gg :|

Vash said...

I was a little lazy, got only 18.. but it's easy.. you just need to be a little concentrated O.o