Dec 3, 2007

What a bike!

The ORYX bike is an innovative concept brought to us by designer Harald Cramer that combines ergonomy with style to create a truly unique bike.
"The frame and handle bars are connected via a frame-pivot, guiding cables through the frame as one turns. One of the innovations is the crank which is designed like a ring and mounted in the inside of the frame by two ball bearings." - Come on, just say it already, it's PRETTY =)!

"The whole bike itself is made of carbon composite, which is baked into the frame during the molding process." - Wow, a baked bike. Do you bake bikes like you would a cookie? Cause I'd just love to bake a bike like that at home (the Cookie-Bike, I would call it :X).

"In time trial races, like the Contre la Montre at the Tour de France, every second counts, that’s why Oryx possesses an identical pair of wheels which can be removed by the push of a button." - Imagine accidentally pushing the button during the last minute of the Tour de France, when you're in the lead. Nice, huh?

Anyways, stylish bike. I'd definitely enjoy riding that through the hole-filled (or should I say emptied?) streets of Bucharest...


Star said...

yes but it`s just a prototype....till now....and if it will be released....ithink it`ll cost a lot....

Moony said...

indeed, just a concept for now. But what a concept, don't you agree? I think it's quite innovative and perhaps it will be implemented in a modified form sometimes in the future. But wouldn't you like one of those, Adi:))?

Star said...

errr....yes.....but i don`t know if i would ride it on our streets:))