Jan 12, 2008

Do You Know Where You're Going? - Part I

"Tom Peters said, "Effective visions prepare for the future but honor the past." Do you have a set course in your life, an established direction, outlined with purposeful thought? Or are you simply a boat floating on the water with a broken rudder, able to be pushed whichever way the wind blows, governed by the tides and external forces?

Productive people have given a great deal of thought and time to planning their courses of action and life goals. Their daily, weekly and monthly activities all roll up to a mission statement, life goals, long-term and short-term goals, and project plans. To be the guide of your own life, you have to get a hold of the rudder.

Much like a corporate mission statement, your personal mission statement defines who you are, what you're all about, and why you're here. Why do you need a personal mission statement?

  • It helps you make difficult decisions when faced with the myriad choices life presents to you.
  • It helps you realize how very little time you truly have to accomplish the important things in your life.
  • It helps you recognize when you're off course and steers you back in the right direction.

Life is precious, and time is short. The best engineer cannot create more time, and the best scientist cannot invent more time. We all have the exact same amount of time — 24 hours a day, 168 hours every week, 86,400 seconds every day. Once it's gone, you can't get it back. You cannot accumulate time or borrow tomorrow's time. Since it feels like we have plenty of time left, we take for granted our 86,400 seconds every day."

- go back to the Prologue - <----> - proceed to Part II -