Jan 10, 2008

Not meet Darth and Yoda will...mmmh!

The recent announcement that characters from Star Wars are to feature in the latest installment of the Soul Calibur series (Soul Calibur IV) comes with a twist: there are two characters that will be available for play, but each one will be featured exclusively on a platform.

The two characters are the infamous Darth Vader, formerly known as Anakin Skywalker, and the Jedi Master - Yoda.

The catch is that the PS3 version of the game will have Darth Vader (and not have Yoda), and the 360 one the other way around.

Quite interesting, because the PS3 looks like Vader, with a black and glossy finish, while the 360 resembles Master Yoda, in a greenish and cute kind of way.

This does mean, however, that a confrontation between the two would be practically impossible, unless the other character becomes available for download (for a couple of bucks, of course) on the respective system. Who wouldn't want a fight featuring the two Jedi?

Very interesting it is! Choose a version you must, mmmmh!

- source: Kotaku -