Dec 30, 2007

Harry Potter 8

JK Rowling has stated in an interview taken a couple of days ago that she has thought about writing another - new - Harry Potter (HP) book.

The British author, whose latest novel, Harry Potter 7, has been the top-selling item on, revealed: "There have been times since finishing, weak moments, when I've said, 'Yeah, all right,' to the eighth novel.". (We want more of those moments :X)

"If, and it's a big if, I ever write an eighth book about the wizarding world, I doubt that Harry would be the central character. I feel like I've already told his story. But these are big ifs. Let's give it 10 years and see how we feel then." - she also said.

She already has the destinies of the surviving characters worked out in her mind - Beware, following information is considered SPOILERS! - if you have read HP7 or just want to be spoiled select the text contained in the brackets with your mouse, if not ...don't! I cannot be held accountable for any mental damage that comes from being spoiled - You have been warned! ZOMG - SPOILERS!!!111:[ "Harry and Hermione are at the Ministry of Magic, and Harry ends up leading the Auror department. Ron helps his brother George at the joke shop and does very well. Ginny becomes a professional Quidditch player and then sportswriter for the Daily Prophet." ]
Here endeth the spoilers.

Pretty cool! Who wouldn't want more "Harry Potter", even if it would be without Harry Potter himself (kind of ironic, huh?)? New HP FTW!

- source: FemaleFirst -