Sep 14, 2007

W.o.t.d. - 14 September


I have found that the most accurate definitions of this word are over at Urban Dictionary so here are some of them :

  1. Gullible

    1. Any person who has three boobs.
    2. Any person who believed the first definition.

    Someone wrote gullible on that tree over there.

  2. Gullible

    The term applied to both the participants in the following conversation:

    Gullible Person 1: Did you know that 'gullible' isn't in the dictionary?
    Gullible Person 2: Really? (Checks dictionary)
    Gullible Person 2: Wow! It really isn't in the dictionary!
    Gullible Person 1: Oh my God! Give me a look!

  3. Gullible

    IF you say the word gullible really slowly, it sounds like chicken!

    Person2: Say gullible really slowly, it sounds like chicken
    Person1: guh-lih-bull
    Person2: hear it?
    Person1: no.. guh-lih-bull
    Person2: hahaha

  4. Gullible

    The only word that is not in the dictionary. Go look.
    I swear gullible is not there!

In case you haven't caught up on the word's meaning (which should be kind of concerning) here its official meaning :

Gullible = easily deceived or cheated.