Sep 16, 2007

W.o.t.D. - 15 September

Achtung! :)) The following material contains the *F* word. Do not read on if you are offended by it or under the age of 18...riiiiight... :))


One of the most versatile words in the english language, the use of the word "F*ck" can express very different ideas or feelings and has a multitude of grammatical uses.

First of all, here are some audio/video clips, perfectly demonstrating the versatility of the word "F%ck":


Now, let's try to put everything on paper...well, on the web, anyway...

  • It can be used as a verb, both transitive (John _UCKed Mary) and intransitive (Mary was _UCKed by John).
  • It can be an active verb, (John really gives a _UCK) or a passive verb (Mary really doesn't give a _UCK)
  • ...or an adverb (Mary is _UCKing interested in John).
  • ...or a noun (Mary really doesn't want to give a _UCK).
  • It can be used as an adjective (Mary is _UCKing beautiful).
  • It can also be part of a word (UnF*CKing-believable).

Besides its obvious sexual connotation, "f%ck" can be used to describe almost any situation :

  • Greetings - How the _uck are you?
  • Fraud - I got _ucked at the car dealer.
  • Dismay - Oh, _uck it.
  • Trouble - Well I guess I'm _ucked!
  • Aggression - _uck you! _uck off!
  • Disgust - _uck me.
  • Confusion - What the _uck?
  • Difficulty - I don't understand this _ucking homework!
  • Despair - _ucked again.
  • Joy - I'm so _ucking happy for you!
  • Incompetence- He _ucks everything up. He's a _uckhead!
  • Displeasure - What the _uck is going on here.
  • Lack/loss of orientation - Where the _uck are you? Where the _uck am I?
  • Sympathy - I feel so _ucking bad for you.
  • Disbelief - Un_ucking-believable! I don't _uckin' believe it.
  • Retaliation - Up your _ucking a**.

This word can be used in different domains, such as :

  • An anatomical description - "He's a _ucking asshole!"
  • To tell time - "It's five _ucking thirty"
  • In business - "How did I wind up with this _ucking job?"
  • It can be maternal - as in "mother_ucker"...
  • or political - "_uck Ceauses*u!"

Some famous last words :
- General Custer : "Where did all them _ucking Indians come from?"
- the Mayor of Hiroshima: "What the _uck was that?"
- the Captain of the Titanic, who said: "Where is all this _ucking water coming from?"

With this variety of uses, how can anyone be offended when you speak the word "F*ck"?


denize said...

Confusion - What the _uck?
why don't you continue W.o.t.D anymore??
i want them back...:)