Another victim in the next-gen console-war : me.
As you already know (if you've cared enough to have read my posts), I've been researching for a while now. All that research seems to have paid off. About a week ago, I decided to buy a next-gen console.
"Why?", you ask? Because I had been reading so much about it that I thought I knew all the advantages and disadvantages, both for now and for the future, and I got sooooo hyped that I decided the console that I had to own and abuse for a couple of years would be... ta-da-da-dam... yes, you've guessed it, the PS3!
I got it - Starter Pack - on thursday from the local Mall for a whopping 1900 RON (that's about 800$).

I know, I know, "You're one crazy Sony fanboy!". Actually, no. At least you can't call me a Wii-tard or a Gaylo lover (actually, I do like Halo - a lot), or any other Wii or 360 related insult for that matter. *sigh* Ok, bring on the flaming!
Well, I've had it for almost 4 days now and I'm damn proud of it. They didn't have Resistance or an extra controller at the store anymore, so I'll have to pay them another visit next week to pick those up. I purchased Warhawk, so I can only currently play that and Motorstorm, which came with the Starter Pack.
What can I say? The PS3 compelled me to buy a HD-Ready Tv (I'm thinking of writing a guide to buying an HDTV, actually). I think it a blasphemy, a sin to have a source like a PS3 or an Xbox360 and not connect it to a HD-compliant Tv, instead playing it on your tiny couple-of-decades-old 4:3-ratioed CRT. A sin, I tell you! THE LORD SHALL SMITE YOU, O, BLASPHEMOUS ONE! Being a God-fearing mortal that I *still* am (even though I own a PS3 - shouldn't that, like, make me a gaming mini-god or something??), I chose, after careful deliberation/googling, LG's 32lc51 to do my bidding.
I must say, one fact that upsets me is the lack of support Sony has for many european countries. I was anxiously waiting to enter the Playstation Store and download some free demo's or other free content, but it seems that Romania hasn't got a Store of its own. That would be just fine with me, if it wasn't for the fact that Sony doesn't allow you to access any other country's Store but yours. That implies that, unless you have an account with a location of a Store-supported-country, you can't get any Sony free content. Not fair, one would say! I searched for a solution and found out that one can have multiple accounts, so one can add an account with an american, let's say, residence. That enables the use of that country's Playstation Store. "Finally!" I I'm downloading about 6 almost-one-gigabyte-sized demos that'll help me choose my next games.
Also in the news, I've found another sales-counting site which states that Wii is, in fact, the market leader. About time, I say! I give you, VGCHARTZ!

I hope I'll get around to writing some reviews of all the new features and also of the few games I've managed to play so far on the PS3, but for now, "sayonara"!

I know, I know, "You're one crazy Sony fanboy!". Actually, no. At least you can't call me a Wii-tard or a Gaylo lover (actually, I do like Halo - a lot), or any other Wii or 360 related insult for that matter. *sigh* Ok, bring on the flaming!
Well, I've had it for almost 4 days now and I'm damn proud of it. They didn't have Resistance or an extra controller at the store anymore, so I'll have to pay them another visit next week to pick those up. I purchased Warhawk, so I can only currently play that and Motorstorm, which came with the Starter Pack.
What can I say? The PS3 compelled me to buy a HD-Ready Tv (I'm thinking of writing a guide to buying an HDTV, actually). I think it a blasphemy, a sin to have a source like a PS3 or an Xbox360 and not connect it to a HD-compliant Tv, instead playing it on your tiny couple-of-decades-old 4:3-ratioed CRT. A sin, I tell you! THE LORD SHALL SMITE YOU, O, BLASPHEMOUS ONE! Being a God-fearing mortal that I *still* am (even though I own a PS3 - shouldn't that, like, make me a gaming mini-god or something??), I chose, after careful deliberation/googling, LG's 32lc51 to do my bidding.
I must say, one fact that upsets me is the lack of support Sony has for many european countries. I was anxiously waiting to enter the Playstation Store and download some free demo's or other free content, but it seems that Romania hasn't got a Store of its own. That would be just fine with me, if it wasn't for the fact that Sony doesn't allow you to access any other country's Store but yours. That implies that, unless you have an account with a location of a Store-supported-country, you can't get any Sony free content. Not fair, one would say! I searched for a solution and found out that one can have multiple accounts, so one can add an account with an american, let's say, residence. That enables the use of that country's Playstation Store. "Finally!" I I'm downloading about 6 almost-one-gigabyte-sized demos that'll help me choose my next games.
Also in the news, I've found another sales-counting site which states that Wii is, in fact, the market leader. About time, I say! I give you, VGCHARTZ!

I hope I'll get around to writing some reviews of all the new features and also of the few games I've managed to play so far on the PS3, but for now, "sayonara"!
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