Oct 18, 2007

In the trenches

Well, folks, after numerous nights spent on the internet researching every consoles' ups and downs, I've come to the following conclusion, based on one's choice of console:
-you're either interested in the future, in next-gen games with next-gen graphics, in online capabilities and next-game movie viewing; this case is split into two parts : the Xbox 360 part and the Ps3 part; in this case you can either wait and save up some more $$ and then go and get PS3, or buy the Xbox360, thinking "Wow, it's got more games than the PS3...I am just going to ignore the fact that it doesn't come with a HD-DVD player, included wireless network support or free online browsing - true, this is only a few bucks away - (and if I ever want that, I've got to spend some big bucks *which I think will make it as expensive as the PS3*)...but hey, who needs that? It's got MORE GAMES!!!111"; or
- you're simply interested in having a good time and lots of fun during your time out from school/work, in which case you'll choose the revolutionary Wii as your best-friend and ally;

The above represent my opinion and my opinion only, do not take them as facts or insults to any of the god-companies by the names of Sony, Microsoft, or Nintendo. (To be read: blabla...*subliminal message: either buy PS3 or Wii*...blabla..*subliminal message*...disclaimer)

Right now I've got to go to school to gather more knowledge to help me in my *secret* plan of world domination...*insert creepy Mandark-like laugh here*mwhuahahahaha!