Dec 14, 2007

How many five-year-olds can you take on?

Here's a site that offers to tell you how many five-year-olds you could take on under certain fixed conditions.

After taking the quiz, half-dumbfounded and half-amused, I found out I could take on 23 five-year-olds.


Ok, so now am I supposed to be proud? Should I start fighting with my friends over who can take on more robotically-fearless five-year-olds on a deserted basketball court?
me - "Hey, I bet I can take on more five-year-olds than you!"
a dude - "wtf?"
me - "you know it's true. i am t3h five-year-olds' pwnz0rx!!11"
a dude - *gets frightened* "ok, I'm leaving now..."
me - *laughs maniacally* "mwhuhuhahahahaha!"
That would definitely go well...

Or am I supposed to go out and test their algorithm, finding a basketball field and a lot of fearless children that will fight me until they go unconscious?

The site is both realistic and practical at the same time...the strangeness of some things never ceases to amaze me (and amuse me at the same time)...