Jan 1, 2008


Well, 2008 is here, and this is the first post meant to celebrate and mark this event.

Happy new year guys! May the following year bring us everything that we wish for and more, things that we don't know we want yet and that we will figure out as time goes on.

By the way, you know I've got three consoles: Ps3/Ps2/Wii. Guess which was the first I played on in 2008? Yeah, the Wii... gotta love it :X... (mom beat me at bowling - kinda sad)

Moving on, what do you wish for in this new year?
Do you have any New Year's resolution? - I don't. I usually find goals 'on the go' and I try and try, until I've accomplished them. Works well, what can I say?

Well, may the spirit of the Rat (2008 being the Year of the Rat according to Chinese astrology) be with all of us and may it give us plenty of hope and joy! (as much as the spirit of a rat could, that is...)

Happy New Year!P.S. Here are a few pictures of me in 2008...