Jan 2, 2008

PC + PS3 = love

Remember the post in which I told you about the possibility of playing PC games on the PS3 sometime in the future?

The guys over at StreamMyGame finally managed (a few weeks ago) to put together the system that would facilitate doing just that.

If you've got a PS3 with Linux installed (any type of Linux - Yellow Dog Linux, Ubuntu etc) you can get this up and running. More explanations in a thread on the StreamMyGame forum here. (and here for a tutorial on how to install Linux on the PS3)

I haven't tried it yet, but I'm planning on doing it soon enough. I've downloaded a free (legit) copy of Yellow Dog Linux and have started backing up the data on my PS3's hard drive (you need to create a special partition to install Linux => you've got to format the entire drive).

This seems to me a win-win(-win) situation for the guys at Sony, for Linux as an OS, and for all the PS3 owners, because being able to play the games you've got for PC on the PS3, taking full advantage of the HDTV you probably have, will definitely make any PC owner happy and, thus, boost sales and create the much-needed buzz for Linux.
Perhaps this could be considered as a blow to the Xbox, who's custom made operating system by Microsoft isn't open-source, thus destroying hopes of Homebrew-lovers.

What else can I say about this breakthrough other than I hope we'll get to see (more) Homebrew on the PS3?

Omg, I wonder how Microsoft feels knowing that PS3 owners all around the world are able to play their so-bitterly-kept-off-the-PS3 games like Bioshock, Gears of War or even Halo. Zomg, playing a Halo game on a Sony console!
Maybe we'll even get to see something like this sometime in the future:Blasphemy?
No, reality.

Later Edit: Make sure you read this post (How to: PC + PS3 = love) for more clarifications and a step-by-step tutorial on getting the Streamer software up and running in no time.


Anonymous said...

--PS3/Linux has no RSX access, hence no 3D acceleration.
--It has 220MB ram, including for graphics.
--It is built around the PPC architecture, that is non-intel x86 instructions. It will struggle very hard to make one.

PS3/Linux is good to have, but not for PC gaming. Forget it.

Anonymous said...

The PS3 is the swiss army knife of gaming. Nothing comes close, nothing.

Anonymous said...

--PS3/Linux has no RSX access, hence no 3D acceleration.
--It has 220MB ram, including for graphics.
--It is built around the PPC architecture, that is non-intel x86 instructions. It will struggle very hard to make one.

Agreed, Sony fanboys...stop with the nonsense.

Anonymous said...

--It has 220MB ram, including for graphics.

it s not true.
PS3 has 250MB for graphics (@700MHz) and 250MB for system (@3.2GHz). U may check da info on IGN.

Anonymous said...

Jealousy breeds envy 360 is sooo out dated and the graphics. Wich people think are good have no detail sure mass effect might look good... If you like blank looking graphics no detail to anything

Anonymous said...

actually this is just a curiosity. But to correct you reverse engeniers obtained access to RSX.
And PS3 has 256+256 memory with access to RSX minus whatever XMB uses (and it has smaller footprint with each firmware update).
Only thing PS3 could be used for here is to display picture from PC obtained trough network.

Anonymous said...

you guys dont understand the difference between streaming and playing

the concept isnt that you install the games onto the ps3 and actually play them using it's hardware, but you stream the games through the system so you can take advantage of your HDTV and conceivably use the controller.

it's kind of like Tversity for games, you're PC is handling the processing but the ps3 handles the display output..

also, the RSX has kind of been opened up.. not formally, but there's a hack going around on the ps3 developer forums

Anonymous said...

It would seem that the PS3 is just an extension of the PC, control-wise. I suspect that the PS3 will not actually be doing any graphics processing, so it will only be as good as what is being sent to it. That being said, if only for the sake of having Halo 3 "on" the PS3, this is pretty pointless. I mean, what do you tell people; "hey, buy a PS3, because it plays Halo 3. Oh, and you'll also need a killer PC rig"? Sound's pretty silly to me. Rather be playin' UT3, anyway: better multiplayer.

Anonymous said...

actually you are all wrong
RSL GPU access has happened

Over at ps2dev.org there is an ongoing discussion thread detailing how to access and utilize the PS3s GPU under Linux. In order to take advantage of this youll require Linux skills and familiarity with patching recompiling kernels. Though not overly difficult, here is a video demonstration:


Details on obtaining the patches, and patching the Linux kernel, can be found at the source link.

source: http://forums.ps2dev.org/viewtopic.php?t=8364&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=211

Anonymous said...

so what you need to have a good computer anyways and is this going to make people buy a ps3 just to play pc games on a tv? its easier to just buy a bigger/better monitor(itll cost less than a ps3)or some sort of cable to plug a pc to an hdtv wats the point of going thru all this stuff?

Anonymous said...

sounds like a lot of Sony fan boys are going to void their warranty, and be stuck with crap.

Anonymous said...

Except that installing Linux is encouraged by Sony, and will not void the warranty...

Anonymous said...

If Halo 3 is avalable for ps3, The graphics better be good like 360 because I'm planning on getting it for Easter(hopefully you can get it for ps3 because I don't have a 360)good game + good ps3 graphics= enjoyment. Someone please tell me if it's ps3 avalable!

Moony said...

The whole idea of the streaming software is to stream the game off of your PC, thus giving you the possibility of playing all PC-compatible games on the PS3.

To answer your question, seeing as the Halo 3 is not yet available on the PC (only on the 360), you cannot play it (or stream it) on the Ps3. You can, however, play Halo1 or Halo2, both of which have been made available for the PC.

In the post, I was referring to the possibility of a future release of Halo 3 on the PC, like Halo 1 and 2. I think Halo 3 will be made available for the PC (thus, for the PS3 - by means of streaming) in, at most, a couple of years.