Feb 6, 2010

My planet

So here I stand, among those which do not move. If you do not move, you can never notice the chains. But why would anyone move, why would anyone even raise their heads when the ground is such a lively show?

Amidst all of those grey ghosts, I feel...pity and repugnance at the same time. The thick brown dust in the air, along with the terrible wind rule all on this planet. We are all slaves of the chaos and obey any order it gives, be it real or just imagined by our paranoic minds. By their paranoic minds. I refuse to give in, I refuse to lie down whenever the wind starts blowing, like everyone else does.

They kept telling me that I could only survive the storm by bowing down. Now they have ceased to do that. They have all went away. There is not a single soul in sight, not a single heart whose beat to warm my ear.

I feel ...alone.